How did yall get engaged?

On the way to Cinque Terre

We decided to travel to Italy In October of 2023 for vacation so Jose could see the amazing art and Simplicio try all of the delicacies Italy has to offer . After a few wonderful days in Florence, we ventured to Cinque Terre for our next adventure before heading to Rome. On our way to Cinque Terre, the photographer Simplicio had booked informed him that she was not able to get tickets for the sunset cruise planned for that day and that the engagement photoshoot would be postponed until the next day.

Running late

After a few train delays, we had about 20 minutes to run through the hills of Manarola to check into our airbnb, drop off luggage, change outfits and run to the dock to find our boat tour. We do love to pack our schedule while on vacation but this was a little too much! Because the photographer had called off the engagement, Simplicio decided to not to bring the ring with him on the boat, as to not risk dropping it in the ocean.

The Sunset Tour Begins

We arrive to the boat late, and SImplicio immediately sees the photographer (Maria) sitting on the boat with the rest of the guests. After being made fun by the entire boat for being late, we relax and enjoy the beautiful views of Cinque Terre. The captain even asked us to drive the boat while he started to make Aperol spritz for everyone. Jose started to become suspicious of Maria who kept taking photos of everyone on the boat but paid particular attention to Simplicio and him.

Suspecting this was possibly a proposal, Jose kept the engagement ring in his backpack and waited it out. It was getting towards the end of the tour and figuring that a proposal wouldn’t happen, Jose finally got to jump in the water (after many stops to allow the group to swim and regretting not bringing a swim suit) and even Maria jumped in too! (to the left of me in the pic above).

While Jose was in the water, Simplicio realized the entire boat knew of his proposal plan when he was confronted with questions as to when he was going to finally propose. After explaining he left the ring behind, a generous woman lent him her ring.

Happily Ever After

Jose (soaking wet btw) and Maria finally make it back on the boat to start the journey back to Manarola. Maria starts to get out her camera and asks Simplicio to sit next to Jose for one last sunset photo….

Jose turns to his left and is overwhelmed to see Simplicio on his knee asking to marry him, mad that he let him jump in the water and curious as to why he wasn’t holding his real engagement ring.

After saying Yes! and celebrating with the boat, Jose learned the boat had known all along and Simplicio borrowed someone’s ring….

Jose realizing this is a perfect opportunity, gets down on one knee and also asks for Simplicio’s hand in marriage (with the actual ring that he anxiously carried with him on the boat).